These Physical Conditions Cause Sleep Disorders

Sleeping Disorder

If you are experiencing interrupted sleep on a daily basis followed by lethargy the next day, you are probably suffering from sleep disorder. Insomnia, narcolepsy or sleep apnea; you can be dealing with any of these sleeping disorders. Interestingly, sleep issue can occur as a single disorder or it might be a symptom of any underlying health issues. In most of the cases, sleeping issues are due to physical disorders which go unnoticed over period of time. If you are dealing with following health disorders, your chances of getting a sleep issues increases ten times. Read on to know more.

Cardiovascular disorders

Coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure are two of the major reasons why you might lose sleep. These two issues are responsible for developing sleep apnea. Congestive heart failure is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood to the rest of the body. Coronary heart disease is characterized by the deposition of fatty substances on the inside of the arteries which carry blood to the heart.

Neurological conditions

Alzheimer's disease, strokes, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease can develop sleep disorders in people. Parkinson's disease is responsible for insomnia and REM sleep behaviour disorder. Fragmentation is one of the sleep issues that can develop when you are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This disease impairs the brain functioning and also gives you dementia. Epilepsy causes insomnia in patients. Stroke is associated with sleep apnea and vice versa.

Endocrine disorders

Thyroid malfunctioning and diabetes are two endocrine disorders that can give you sleep issues. Thyroid gland regulates the overall functioning of the body including maintaining energy levels. Diabetes interferes in body’s capacity to store and utilize carbohydrates. These two disorders can give you restless leg syndrome which is a sleep disorder.

Respiratory Disorders

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma sufferers often complain about having sleep fragmentation and insomnia. The air passages are inflamed and they shrink in size causing restriction for air to reach lungs. It results in difficulty in breathing.

Mental Disorders

Anxiety, seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia are some of the mental disorders which can give you sleep issues like insomnia and sleep fragmentation.


This joint disorder causes immense pain and stiffness in joints and needless to say, it causes sleep issues as well.

Kidney ailments

Kidney disorders are denoted by the inability of kidneys to filter waste products and thus they cannot maintain a healthy balance amongst the electrolytes present in the body. It leads to complications which in turn affect the sleep-wake up cycle causing sleep disorders.  

Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD

In this digestive disorder, the partially digested food along with excess of stomach acid flows back to the throat causing irritation of the oesophagus. The condition causes sleep interruption when happens in the night.

Physical disorders often cause various complications and onset of sleep ailments is one of them. However, getting proper treatment for health disorders is the key to keep your sleep pattern intact despite of dealing with physical conditions. The treatment is possible of sleeping disorder with the help of Armodafinil online or you can take Online Modafinil from the drug store. Most of the medications are always suggested by the doctors especially for the treatment of Narcolepsy or day time sleepiness.